Click for Wingshooting Lodges, Outfitters and Guides with Affordable Hunting Packages for Partridge Hunts with Dogs.

Cost of a Guided Partridge Hunt for for Pheasant, Quail, Chuckar and Grouse

The average cost for an affordable Partridge hunt runs between $100 and $1,000, with both full day and half day hunts, depending on location, amenities and number of birds released / taken. In most cases, this includes the use of bird dogs and cleaning of the birds. Multi-day and weekend hunts can cost more.

Orvis-Endorsed and Beretta Trident Bird Hunting and Wing-shooting Lodges

For luxury upland bird hunting adventures, try quail hunts at an Orvis-endorsed Wingshooting Lodge or Beretta Trident Hunting Ranch.

Partridge Hunting Season

The typical hunting season runs between October and February.

Hunting Partridge

Hunting Partridges is best done with a 12- or 20-gauge semi-automatic or pump-action shotgun. However, some hunters use a double-barreled shotgun. Be prepared to move quickly for that first shot. Hunting is often done with dogs, who flush them out of their hiding places, allowing hunters with 12- or 20-gauge shotguns to take them on the wing.

Partridge live in cornfields and open grassy areas. Get out in the crisp early morning with our experienced guides for an unforgettable experience! Partridge hunting is rewarding and full of the unexpected. Texas grasslands can be either wet or dry for the hunting season, so dress according to the weather and get ready to collect a full bag of birds for your grand feast.

The family of game birds known in Texas as the Partridge are known by other names in other parts of the country. In the south, they are called Quail or Bobwhite. In New England, theyre called Ruffled Grouse. In Canada, theyre called Swamp Grouse. No matter what you call them, they’re fun to hunt!

Partridge Hunts with Bird Dogs

Bring your own hunting dogs or use the trained dogs of your guide to flush them out of hiding. Whether you bring your own dogs or find a guide that delivers the dogs, they ensure a safe and successful hunt in either Prairie grass or wetlands.

The experience of hunting behind trained dogs is just part of the fun. You also get the natural habitat, relaxation with friends, fresh air, and a freezer full of birds to cook at home. All-in-all, upland game bird hunting delivers a world-class experience and memories that last a lifetime.

Physical Characteristics

The partridge is a small-to-medium sized bird with a short neck that resembles a dove. The bird itself is fatter than a dove, though, and has a brown, speckled coat. The neck can be closer to gray, while the face is brown. The beak is very small and the stocky bird has short legs that are usually hidden in the grass. The feathers on the back are clearly defined with white trim. The bird has large black eyes and the underside and tail feathers tend to be lighter in color, though still with the drab, brown tones that blend in so well.

Origin, Native Habitat and Countries

Partridge in Texas live in the grasslands, which may be either dry or wet while you hunt. They like open areas with a lot of cover, and they also enjoy hiding in cornfields. While water sources may be close, the partridge often ventures far into the fields, where its coat helps it blend in very well.

Behavior/Social Characteristics

The partridge is a nervous bird that will duck and hide whenever it senses danger. As a last resort, it will burst out of cover and fly for safety. Often, hunters are very close to the birds before they flush, so they can be surprising when they come barreling out of cover. The beating of their wings as they take off is quite loud, but they often wont fly very far, even when scared, settling back down again to eat and seek shelter. The partridge primarily eats seeds.

Contact us for custom and concierge partridge hunts in Texas.