Our family has owned and operated Ozondjahe since 1980. Ozondjahe Hunting Safaris is one of the largest privately owned hunting only game reserve in Namibia. In an effort to ensure exceptional trophy quality and sustainable hunting, we choose to offer fewer hunting safaris than many other outfitters. We are devoted to conservation and view hunters as our supporting partners in protecting African wildlife and guarding natural habitat for future generations.
Our terrain and trophy species are so varied that we prefer to customize your hunting safari to fit your individual priorities. Once you have decided on the species you wish to hunt we will recommend the number of hunting days to meet your expectations for the variety and quality of hunting trophies you desire. On average, plains game hunting safaris as well as bowhunting safaris are usually between 9 to 12 hunting days, however we have no minimum number of hunting days required (Except for a few selected species). Predator hunting for Leopard and Cheetah require a minimum of 12 hunting days (13 nights in camp).
Each hunt is adapted to provide choice and variety of safari hunting methods, including bow hunting safaris. According to your quarry, preliminary spotting may be done by 4×4 vehicle with closer approach on foot, the spot and stalk hunting technique, stalking and tracking, baiting for Leopard hunts, waiting from one of thirty strategically located permanent blinds or from a makeshift hide.
Ozondjahe Hunting Safaris is proud to offer the dedicated bowhunter some of the best bowhunting experience that Southern Africa has to offer. We have a full time PH who specializes in bowhunting and who is passionate about bowhunting himself. We were one of the first hunting outfitters to be allowed to offer bow hunting in Namibia and were at the forefront of Namibia bowhunting legalization, which finally gained approval in 1997.
Our clients consistently leave with top quality trophies across the board and Ozondjahe Hunting Safaris has an exceptional number of bow hunting trophies in the all time record book of the Namibian top 10 Trophies of the Namibia Professional Hunting Association (NAPHA).
Ozondjahe Hunting Safaris is a top notch bow hunting outfitter and nationally registered bowhunting ranch in Namibia with both the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) and the Namibia Tourism Board (NTB). Namibia has a long tradition of hunting with a bow and arrow with the Kalahari Bushmen who traditionally hunts with poisoned arrows.
Bowhunters, familiar with the country, consider the overall conditions for bow hunting in Namibia particularly suited to their sport. Possessing some of the highest populations for plains game hunting and variety of African trophy hunting species makes it a paradise for any hunter, but climate and terrain are the features that make it so well-adapted to bow hunting. The driest months for trophy hunting in Namibia are June through mid-October and therefore are the most conducive for a bow hunting safari.
The spot and stalk technique method of hunting is preferred during the green season months in Namibia, February until May, as sufficient cover exists and the green bush is softer on the foot and reduces noise while stalking. Also the animals do not visit the waterholes as frequently as they do during the drier months as the water availability is a lot more abundant. Spot and stalk hunting is also used for the more challenging game species or those that do not frequent waterholes much.
The majority of bowhunting certainly takes place from strategically positioned bow hunting blinds, ground hides and elevated stands near waterholes and salt licks which is usually the preferred method during the drier winter months, June to August and the early spring months, September to mid-October. Our moveable bowhunting blinds are constructed specifically for bow hunting, they are very comfortable, have enough room for 3 people and you can stand up in them to bow hunt. The bow blinds are placed in relationship to the waterholes and salt licks to put the bowhunter as close to the relaxed and unaware game as possible. Shooting distances range from 10 to 40 yards (10 to 40 meters).
Within the bowhunting territory there are over forty waterholes where everyday hundreds of head of plains game congregate, you will certainly see a large number of plains game and have ample opportunity for success on your plains game hunting safari. With so many waterholes and bow blinds on our vast property, the game never becomes wary or nervous as is the case on smaller bowhunting properties where game is constantly hunted at a few water points. The challenge of a spot and stalk bowhunt in full camouflage may be undertaken by those wishing to test their bowhunting skills in Namibia’s competitive environment.
Bow hunting for trophies in Namibia may only take place on a bow hunting ranch which is registered for this purpose with Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET). Ozondjahe Hunting Safaris meets all of the qualifications required to conduct bow hunting in Namibia. To be a bow hunting outfitter in Namibia, the hunting territory must be inspected and approved to become a nationally registered bow hunting ranch, and the outfitter must have one Professional Hunter in possession of a valid Namibia bowhunting license.
There is no required permit or charges for traveling with bows and arrows to and/or through Namibia. Crossbows are not permitted.
As a top outfitter in Namibia, Ozondjahe Hunting Safaris has a complete team of full time professional hunting team and staff, including two highly accomplished, licensed Professional Hunters, assisted by our longtime native trackers, skilled skinners and drivers.
Our Professional Hunters primary goal is to provide you with the finest quality hunting trophies and exceptional personal service in every aspect to ensure that you have a once in a lifetime African hunting safari adventure.
Our professional hunting team’s hard work, integrity, understanding and bond with nature are crucial assets to the African hunter and key to a rewarding and successful trophy hunt. Our Professional Hunters are not only committed men, they are experts in the field and superb judges of game trophy quality but most importantly possess great practical experience and speak several languages including English. Carefully selected freelance Professional Hunters, familiar with Ozondjahe Hunting Safaris territory, are available for larger hunting parties requiring more than two Professional Hunters.
If you are looking for a Leopard hunting safari in Namibia it’s important to know that the region where Ozondjahe Hunting Safaris is located has the highest concentration of Leopard in the country. Our hunting Leopard trophy pictures speak for themselves, we obviously have a high Leopard population and excellent trophy quality.
For the trophy hunter who has been seeking this elusive member of the Big Five, we offer only two Leopard hunting safaris each year and have a very high success rate. We begin baiting and setting up hides in key locations a couple months before your arrival in order to stimulate the Leopard activity and increase your chances of taking your Leopard.
By the time you arrive for your Leopard hunt, there will usually be good Leopard activity at the baits. We try to maintain the cat(s) on the bait, sometimes if baiting is done for too long a leopard may loose interest for some time, only to come back later. We observe and gauge all aspects prior to the hunt to keep the Leopard’s interest going to maximize success and trophy quality.
The better months for Leopard hunting at Ozondjahe Hunting Safaris are April through November, although Leopards are present and can be hunted throughout the hunting season. We do not charge for baiting and the minimum of 12 hunting days (13 nights in camp) required is less than many Leopard hunting outfitters. Our clients also enjoy combining their Leopard hunt with plains game hunting which is not always possible with other Leopard hunting safari outfitters.
The United States, as well as some other countries, require a CITES permit for the importation of a Leopard hunting trophy, which ideally should be applied for before the Leopard hunt takes place.
An application for a predator trophy hunting permit must be submitted to the Permit Office of the Namibian Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) 14 days before the hunt commences. A copy of the passport of the trophy hunter must be attached to the application for a predator trophy hunting permit. Namibia does not allow bowhunting Leopard as dangerous game species cannot be hunted in Namibia by bow.
Predator trophy hunting may not take place during the period between 30 minutes after sunset in any day and 30 minutes before sunrise the following day and artificial light is prohibited. Only free roaming, self-sustaining and adult predators may be hunted as trophies with a minimum skull measurement of 32cm for a Leopard. A female Leopard may not be hunted as a trophy. A predator may be stalked, tracked or ambushed, but dogs or horses may not be used to hunt it. A Leopard may be baited, but a live animal may not be used as bait.
From time to time we offer exceptional discounted Leopard hunts on cancellation hunts or unfulfilled Leopard tags later in the season. Should you be interested to be on our discounted or wait list for our Leopard hunts, fill in the form below. When a Leopard hunt becomes available, we will send out an email notifying all of the hunters who have joined the list and it will go to the first person who books the hunt.
If you are looking for a Cheetah hunting safari in Namibia it’s important to know that the region where Ozondjahe Hunting Safaris is located has the highest density of Cheetah population in the world. Our hunting Cheetah trophy pictures speak for themselves, we obviously have a high Cheetah population and an excellent trophy quality.
We have an excellent hunting team of PHs and trackers at Ozondjahe Hunting Safaris who have successfully been tracking and hunting Cheetahs with us for many years. The chance according to the Namibian Professional Hunting Association (NAPHA) to take a Cheetah in Namibia on a safari is around 20 percent. It is very difficult to assess the percentage of chance to take a Cheetah, though from past years we have had a higher than 50 percent success rate on Cheetah hunts with our clients.
Cheetah hunting is challenging because a Cheetah’s territory is vast and they are constantly on the move. The density of Cheetah varies according to prey availability and Ozondjahe Hunting Safaris has a plentitude of game. A Cheetah only eats freshly killed meat so they don’t respond to baiting as is commonly done for Leopard or Lion. However if you happen to come across a freshly killed antelope by Cheetahs, the chances of the Cheetahs coming back to eat their kill is very high, even if they have seen or smelled you. This is a very fortunate encounter situation and a well placed simple makeshift hide should be quickly put together on the spot for an opportunity to see them return to their kill within a pretty short period of time.
Suffice it to say that Cheetah hunts are mostly done on an encounter basis, it does take a bit of luck to encounter them, usually while traveling long distances by car over our territory, some tracking can also be conducted although the Cheetah is a particularly challenging animal to track for a variety of reasons. Hunting can also be done from a blind at a waterhole or known areas frequented by Cheetahs at Ozondjahe Hunting Safaris territory such as particular plains, play trees and scat rocks which can tremendously increase the chance of a successful Cheetah hunt.
There is no particular time of the year that is necessarily considered better to hunt a Cheetah at Ozondjahe Hunting Safaris as Cheetahs are present throughout the year since their territories are often located in areas where there is a rich supply of wild game and water. A Cheetah hunt in combination with plains game hunting requires a minimum of 12 full hunting days (13 nights in camp).
Should the opportunity at a mature Cheetah present itself, one will have usually a very small window of opportunity to take the shot, as they do not normally stick around for long. The interaction can be so brief that it may be difficult to discuss much with your PH at that time, so the discussion of certain potential circumstances should be sorted out before hand to avoid any missed opportunities or confusion. The client must be prepared and ready to shoot to seize the opportunity when it presents itself.
Shooting distances will vary greatly depending upon the environment but a 300 yard (300 meter) shot on an open plain should not be out of the question should one be comfortable with it. Cheetahs are not very hardy animals so a caliber for plains game such as a 7 mm (.284) caliber along with a good bullet should do just fine.
Hunting Cheetah with a bow is legal in Namibia, although it is very difficult to do as it requires both skill and lots of luck. The first Cheetah taken with a bow in Namibia was with us by World renowned bowhunter Steve Kobrine who took a Cheetah with a 75 yard shot.
Although it is legal to hunt a Cheetah in Namibia, the United States, as well as some other countries, do not permit the importation of a Cheetah hunting trophy. Canada, many countries in South America, Mexico and most countries in Europe, such as Spain, France and Russia will permit the importation of a Cheetah trophy.
An application for a predator trophy hunting permit must be submitted to the Permit Office of the Namibian Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) 14 days before the hunt commences. A copy of the passport of the trophy hunter must be attached to the application for a predator trophy hunting permit.
Predator trophy hunting may not take place during the period between 30 minutes after sunset in any day and 30 minutes before sunrise the following day and artificial light is prohibited. Only free roaming, self-sustaining and adult predators may be hunted as trophies with a minimum skull measurement of 27 cm for a Cheetah. Hunting Cheetahs with dogs is prohibited in Namibia.
At Ozondjahe Hunting Safaris in Namibia along with top quality hunting you will find a superior level of service, hospitality, delicious food and unparalleled accommodations. We completed a massive renovation bringing our accommodations up to the highest standard that can be found in Namibia. We have entirely updated our three very private guest bungalows which can accommodate up to four guests each, the main lodge bedrooms which can accommodate up to eight more guests, landscaping, pool and at the center of it all is our African thatch roof poolside lapa.