Click for Outfitters and Exotic Ranches with Affordable Hunting Packages for Merino Sheep.

Cost and Trophy Fees for a Merino Ram Trophy Hunt

A Merino ram is one of the most affordable exotic hunts you can go on, roughly costing between $800 to $1,200.

Merino Ram Hunting Season

All year

Hunting Merino Sheep

The merino sheep have long horns that curve tightly around the head in a spiral, until the points face forward, making an impressive trophy. The horns are rather thick and they have a series of ridges running along the top. However, the underside is smooth.

The merino was originally bred for its coat. The wool is incredibly fine and expensive, and it has been in demand since the Middle Ages. Merino wool is used in athletic clothing and other garments all over the world, and few types of wool are considered finer, even in the modern day.

Physical Characteristics

The merino is a small sheep, with a compact body and very short legs and a low center of gravity. Rams average between 175 pounds to 250 pounds. A ewe, or female sheep, averages between 125 pounds to 200 pounds. The animal is usually about four feet long and just 2-3 feet tall, and the body rises slightly at the rump and the head, swaying down in the center.

This wool is very thick and curly, and it adds a ton of bulk to the appearance of even a small ram. The wool is generally white or off-white, light gray or brown tone. This wool is heavy on the entire animal, from the back all the way down to the feet. The only place that the sheep is not covered in wool is the face, which is coated in thin white fur

In the wild, the merino ram is at a disadvantage if the wool is not sheared. Unlike most other animals, the merino’s fur does not naturally stop growing at any length. This means that the sheep can go blind or overheat due to their coats.

Origin, Native Habitat and Countries

The merino ram originated in Turkey, and it has since spread to the rest of the world. There are now different variations, usually named after where the animal lives such as Texas. The rams also were prominent in the past in the Castile region of Spain.

These sheep really became revered in Spain and throughout Europe, and the church and the nobility owned most of them in large flocks. In fact, before the 1700s, anyone who was caught bringing them outside of Spain could be killed for it, as this was a very serious crime. This did inhibit their spread to a large degree, though they are now found all over the world. They are very common in Australia.

The merino ram is a grazing animal, feeding almost exclusively on grass. For this reason, it is mostly found in open fields and grasslands, and it will stay out of forested and rocky areas. It will stick close to water sources when they are found. However, the animal is also a great forager, so it will go out of its way to look for leaves, plants and other food sources when grass is not readily available.

Behavior/Social Characteristics

The rams graze all day long, and then they sleep at night. Dominant males are not always decided by a dual. Many sheep become leaders simply by moving first; the rest of the flock will note the movement and follow. Sheep tend to follow each other constantly, no matter where that takes them, and they value the social group more than being in charge.

However, some rams will show dominance when the opportunity presents itself; it’s just not as important to leadership as it is with other animals. When two rams want to be dominant, they may butt heads and fight in this manner; they’ll also use their horns to defend themselves if they have no other choice and have been cornered by a predator. However, they’ll flee if possible, using the horns as a last resort.

Contact us for custom and concierge Merino Ram hunting trips in Texas, Argentina, Spain, New Zealand and Australia.