Click for Exotic Ranches, Safaris and Outfitters with Affordable Hunting Packages for Ibex Trophy Hunts.
Cost and Trophy Fees for Nubian Ibex Hunts
The average price to hunt a Nubian Ibex on a game ranch is between $10,000 to $20,000, which is considered expensive for an exotic big game animal – especially one with such huge set of horns. The final total depends on the size of the rack, trophy fee, rifle or bow hunt, number of days, taxidermy fees, guide fees, quality of accommodations, amenities and services available.
Nubian Ibex Hunting Season
All year
Hunting Trophy Nubian Ibex
The Nubian ibex is an incredible jumper, able to leap as high as 13 feet, but it is a terrible runner. In this way, the rough terrain can help, as it seeks to shake pursuit by moving through difficult areas, rather than running in flat-lands. They are very slow and lack stamina for long distances. Activity occurs mostly during the day, whether theyre in rut or not. This is when they travel, drink and forage. They then settle in for the night to rest.
Both genders of Nubian ibex sport impressive horns, but the female variety are much shorter, at about 5 to 8 inches long, whereas the males have huge horns that average 30 inches long;though they could reach 54 inches. These are often referred to as “wagon wheel horns” since they run up, back and then sweep down in a giant curve, almost reaching the animals back.
Physical Characteristics
The build of the Nubian ibex tends toward a short, powerful figure. It could be anywhere from 100 to 200 lbs, and they stand from two to 2.6 feet high at the shoulder. The females are smaller, with weight in the 55 to 88 pound range. The Nubian ibex has a light tan coat, and males have a back stripe of dark brown. The underbelly is white, and the legs are marked with both white and black. While the summer coat maintains this brown overall tone, it fades to gray in the winter. The hair is short on the sides, but the males have longer beards, manes, and tufts on their backs.
Origin, Native Habitat and Countries
The Nubian ibex tends to live in mountains and deserts, thriving in this rough and dry terrain. Countries in which it has been noted include Israel, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Oman, Ethiopia, Egypt, Eritrea, Sudan and Yemen. Though it lives in dry areas, the Nubian ibex does eat leaves and grass, so it needs a habitat with at least thin vegetation. It also needs cover to hide from predators like eagles, leopards and bearded vultures.
Behavior/Social Characteristics
During the Spring and Summer, the Nubian Ibex live in segregated herds based on gender. In the winter and fall, they spend a month in rut when the herds mix to mate.